​Social Value Consultancy
"Helping businesses and ​communities to grow through the delivery of social value"
​ Would you like to find out more about Social Value or do you need assistance with demonstrating your business, community or projects Social, Economic or Environmental Impact?
If the answer is "Yes" have a look to see if any of our services may be of benefit to you, see who we work with and what they say about us, review our background and experience, if you`d like to discuss your needs further then get in touch to take advantage of a free business consultation and discover if we could benefit your organisation !!
Social Value Act
"The Public services (Social Value) Act came into force on 31 January 2013 and has had several revisions since.
With the requirement of people who commission public services to think about how they can also secure wider Social, Economic and Environmental benefits.
It has become a major consideration for both Public and Private sector businesses when successfully bidding for and delivering projects or contracts that may have an impact on a Community as they must now demonstrate what Impact they are to achieve,
It is important to improve Business Social Value offers for their own and local communities benefit"

Environmental Impact
Economic Impact
Social Impact
Completion of an in-depth “Social Value Health-check” to identify your existing impact activities and the establishment of your SV “Benchmark”
Audit, analysis, evaluation and reporting against your activities to demonstrate any impact or benefits achieved
Links to funding, bid writing, grant applications or identification of opportunities, We can assist your business or community project
LAUREL Regen Ltd
Our Background
Drawing upon over 25 years of experience in the delivery and evaluation of Public, Private and Voluntary Sector Community Regeneration related projects ​across the UK
With a history of helping organisations to ensure that Social, Economic or Environmental Impact benefits are created, achieved and reported upon
We have the skills, knowledge, and experience to identify, maximise and demonstrate your Social Value
" We are often asked, " What is Social Value?" since the Social Value Act came into place, the legislation began to drive business activities ensuring that it is now at the forefront of their thinking, Whether it`s a funder, local authority , developer, business or community requiring or receiving the benefit, social value impacts us all.
Various methods can be used to create and capture Social Value; from Social Impact Reporting, Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, Economic Social Governance (ESG) scorecard, Social Return on Investment (SROI) calculation, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) contribution, Environmental policies, Social Value model or other SV Toolkits which aim to assist organisations improve their impact.
We have witnessed the success of organisations who embrace Social Value activities and the positive impact delivered for those involved "

Dave McGuinness
Founding Director &
Social Value Consultant
Who we work with

Client Testimon​ials
Please scroll left to read more about the work we have done to "help communities grow through the delivery of social value"
Send an Enquiry to see if we can assist you?
Enquiry Form
Please complete and submit your details and message
We will be in touch to discuss your requirements
If your enquiry is urgent please call +44 (0)7761 368 794
We are Members of
- Social Value UK
- Social Value International
- Social Audit Network (SAN)
- Knowsley Chamber of Commerce
- ICO (Information Commissioners Office)
LAUREL Regen Ltd
Contact Us
+44(0) 7761 368 794
Registered Address
Seymour Chambers,
92 London Road,
Liverpool, L3 5NW
Business Number